What are the benefits of satellite internet?
The Internet has now become the need of every individual nowadays. Everyone needs instant access to the internet. But it is the harsh reality that a large amount of the human population has no internet connectivity. In 2016, the United Nations General Assembly passed a non-binding resolution that declared that internet access has a human right.
This sums up the value of the internet in human life. Still, there are areas where the internet is not accessible. This emphasizes the development of satellite internet, Satellite internet allows the users to connect with the internet through satellites, it requires no complex ground structures to operate. With the help of satellite internet, the internet can be accessed globally.
How does Satellite Internet work?
The internet satellite system is totally wireless.it works in a way when your computer or mobile device sends signs to your router, These signals through the modem are transferred towards the dish antenna which is probably placed on your rooftop.
This dish will send those signals to the satellite in the space from where it is sent to your internet service provider. Your ISP then sends a signal back through the satellite to your dish antenna and ends up in your computer system. This is how the satellite internet system operates.
Accessible around the globe:
Satellite internet can be accessible all around the globe. This accessibility will allow the users to get the internet from anywhere even the remote areas where there are still no internet services through mobile and cables.
There are some remote areas around the globe, where the returns are not suitable for the internet service providers While some areas are not appropriate for the installation of complex machinery to provide internet services.
Satellite internet is not only beneficial for remote users but also handy for the people who are visiting these areas. Moreover, worldwide accessibility is one of the biggest benefits associated with satellite internet.
High pace:
Satellite internet is much faster compared with the dial-up internet. The majority of the satellite internet has a reach of 100 Mbps. Although it also depends upon package availability.
It took several weeks or months to set up a fiber internet connection in a remote area. Only the installation process costs a lot for the user. On the contrary, there is no such expensive and complex process of installation that is required as construction of a tower and underground network of fiber cables. You just need to put an antenna that will eventually connect you with the satellite internet providers.
Satellite internet is more reliable compared to the other networks. There is no on-ground complex machinery for it, So the chances of vulnerability through extreme weather and other emergencies are also very low. This shows that services are more resilient and reliable compared to the other forms of the internet.
Drawbacks of Satellite internet :
While satellite internet proves to be beneficial for many of the users worldwide, especially those who are located in remote areas, there are some drawbacks with satellite internet which need to be resolved. Some of the drawbacks are described below:
Poor Latency :
Latency is the measure of time when data travels from your device to the desired destination. When you are using satellite internet, you need to send data to the satellite in space and then it comes back to your device resulting in high latency. For gamers, it is described as a high ping rate, which makes it undesirable for gaming.
Data cap:
This is not only associated with satellite internet. Data cap restricts the use of your internet connectivity when it surpasses the given limitation. It usually depends upon the service providers and data plan you select.
Satellite internet is not adopted worldwide But there are some service providers that are running the services in limited remote areas. While there is no installation cost for satellite internet yet it is much more expensive than cable internet. You need to pay around $100 per month for a few Mbps data.
VPN compatibility :
Vpn is not compatible with satellite internet. There are some businesses that use VPN to execute their operations and an internet system that supports VPN is essential for them.
Unfortunately due to high latency, VPN is not supposed to operate with the satellite internet.
It requires high speed, which is not possible to maintain with satellite internet deals now.
Future Scope:
The new era of the internet is linked with satellites. While there are many drawbacks of using the satellite internet today. But multiple Tech companies are heavily investing in satellite internet deals with a promise to mitigate all these barriers like low latency. They are using a Low-Earth orbit (LEO)satellite which is relatively small and revolves close to the orbit. Just because they are small and close to the Earth’s orbit then companies launch as many satellites to the orbit to make a chain of satellites that connect with each other named Satellite constellations.
Companies like SpaceX are aiming to launch some 4,424 satellites in LEO by 2024. While Blue Origin is intent to build reusable spacecraft to launch satellites in space for multiple companies.
Iridium Certus partnered with SpaceX to launch its satellite in space. All these moves are a clear indication of the future adaptability of the Satellite Internet.
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