High Speed Wifi/Satellite Best Internet For Rural Areas
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Living in a city can make you carve to move to greener places, where you will not have to walk down the congested roads and breathe in the polluted air. A place where roads are much wider and shaded by the tall green trees. Where you will be able to see the stars clear in the night. Are you looking for the best internet for rural areas? If yes then you can get all information about internet options for rural areas.
These things seem little but have a positive impact on life. Although life in the urban region has its own perks, living in a rural area is nothing compared to any of this. However, there is one thing that can make your life in rural areas a bit dark and that is the lack of internet services.
Disconnection from the outer world would seems like a nightmare. You would not want to get disconnected from your friends and family. You want to enjoy every moment of life by posting your daily life on social media. You might be a keen individual who wants to learn some new skills and learn online.
But how would you be able to do so when you don’t have access to the internet. In that case, satellite internet comes into the picture. Satellite internet will help you get connected to the whole world without any restrictions at your location.
A question must be pondering your mind, how a satellite internet can make your life in remote areas much enjoyable? How does this satellite internet works?
Internet Options For Rural Areas
Unlike urban areas where you can access the internet through a DSL or cable. If you are lucky you may get access to the high-speed fiber-optic internet. Although these options are only available in urban areas or in suburban areas.
Moving these technologies to rural areas will cost a whole lot of money to internet providers. It involves an extensive network of wired cables and infrastructure. So this option may not be feasible for internet providers.
In this scenario, satellite internet will be a much more viable option than the DSL or cable internet.
Satellite Internet Service Rural Areas
A satellite Internet works with a satellite in order to send and receive data. These satellites are traveling in geosynchronous orbit. This reveals an interesting fact for you. The distance between a satellite and the earth’s surface is about 22,000 miles. This makes a satellite right in the place where the rotation period of a satellite is the same as that of the earth. This is what allows a satellite to be in a fixed place in space above the earth.
In order to get the satellite internet, you will have to get a satellite dish that will receive signals from the satellite, and a satellite modem or a router that can help you in decrypting the signal received from the satellite. Network Operation Center (NOC) also involves in the process, which fetches the information requested and ultimately beams it back to the satellite, and after that data will land back at your side. You can also use the satellite signals to view your favorite channels with satellite TV.
In this way, a satellite internet service rural areas will help the people living in the rural areas of the USA to be connected with the rest of the world. No matter how remote the area you are living in, as long as you can see the clear sky you have the total freedom of getting connected with the World Wide Web.
Best Internet For Rural Areas
Initially, there used to be four satellite internet providers in the USA but now it has come down to only two, Viasat and HughesNet.
Viasat is formerly known as the Exede Internet. Viasat gives a diverse range of speeds and prices. The smallest package of Viasat has less speed than HughesNet’s basic package. The other packages of Viasat are faster than HughesNet packages.
Hughes Communications launched its satellite internet services in 1996 and rebranded it to HughesNet in 2012. 5 years later in 2017, HughesNet became the first best internet for rural areas to meet the broadband criteria that are being set by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). HughesNet achieved this landmark with the help of the launch of the World’s highest capacity broadband satellite commonly known as EchoStar XIX.
Benefits of HughesNet
Let’s have a look at the benefits of having HughesNet as your internet options for rural areas.
High-Speed Internet
Speed is the common factor a common person looks at while choosing an internet provider. HughesNet provides high-speed wifi internet for rural areas with the same downloading speed of 25Mbps and uploading speed of 3Mbps. Now if you compare these with the cable internet or fiber internet in the urban areas these stats will not sound so promising.
But when you compare the features of HughesNet with other satellite internet service rural areas you will find the best value for your money. On every deal, its price will remain the same for the entire two-year contract.
Available Everywhere
You can find HughesNet service anywhere, even from remote/rural areas to coast-to-coast.
Built-in Wi-Fi
Gen5 comes with a power modem/router combo that lets you connect all your devices wirelessly. With every deal of HughesNet, you can have a modem-router combo. A satellite modem will work as the Wi-Fi router. You can also use this router or a box to watch satellite TV.
A dual-band 802.11ac router that comes with HughesNet deal will cover your full home. Everyone in the house will enjoy a glitch-free internet. The best thing is that this wireless internet rural areas connection is 100% secure.
No Hard Data Limits
Even if you exceed your data limit, your service stays on and operating at speeds up to 3 Mbps. HughesNet understands your needs and offers a couple of ways to extend your data.
Video Data Saver
You can Watch 3x more videos with the new HughesNet video feature.
Living in a rural area can be problematic if you don’t have access to the internet. You can access the internet options for rural areas and TV, which works with a satellite and can help you to connect with the rest of the world. There are two famous satellite internet providers HughesNet and Viasat. Compare the packages of both and get the best internet for rural areas and TV services for you.
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